German Weldingtools


  • AuflagefürPlasmaschnitte
  • Anbaubar an Schweißtisch
  • Austauschbare Opferbleche
  • Erweiterbar mit Plasmalineal


Available in 10 days, delivery time 3-5 Tage*

Stock: 0
Product number: GW2021-16987
Weight: 20.27 kg
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Product information "Plasmatisch"
Plasma cutting is only successful with the right tool. The plasma table from Nasty Tools is a practical extension for existing welding tables or as a stand-alone solution. This way you can expand your work to different options. The plasma table has a pull-out drawer made of stainless steel, which can be filled with water to reduce emissions and bind slag. Caution! Plasmatically less loadable than welding tables Area total: 600x700 mm Area drawer: 530x650 mm Sacrificial plates 1 mm Sides & guide 4 mm Connection table 6 mm Material 1.0038/S235 NT-PT-0100 Plasmatic
Delivery Condition: Kit - NOT welded
Height: 150 mm
Hole Grid: Universell
Length: 725 mm
Material: Steel 1.0330 DC01 ST1203 pickeld/oiled
Sytem Diameter: D16
Width: 650 mm
German Welding Tools GmbH
German Welding Tools GmbH
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