German Weldingtools

WS Box

  • WinkelschleiferEinhängen
  • Scheiben aufbewahren
  • Immer Griffbereit


Available, delivery time: 3-5 Tage*

Stock: 24
Product number: GW2021-16919
Weight: 0.7 kg
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Product information "WS Box"
The storage of your angle grinder and the discs around your welding table or welding trolley is important to you? Then attach the angle grinder box to the table or fixed table leg with the D16 holes. Alternatively, you can also attach the box to your welding cart to keep angle grinders or consumables always at hand. Click here for the documentation: NT-AB-0010 Small parts box Plate thickness 4 mm Material 1.0038/S235
Breite: 100 mm
Höhe: 125 mm
Length: 100 mm
Lieferzustand: sofort einsatzbereit
Material: Stahl 1.0038 S235JR gbeizt/geölt
Systembohrung: D16
Typ: Garageline
German Welding Tools GmbH
German Welding Tools GmbH
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